Photo of gavel, law books and scales of justice on a wooden table.

South Bay Pastor Charged for Failing to Report Suspected Sexual Abuse

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan announced today that a South Bay pastor has been charged with failure to report known or suspected child abuse in his role as a legally mandated reporter. Eric Manuel Merino, 43, a pastor at Victory Outreach Church in San Ysidro was arraigned in San Diego Superior Court today on one misdemeanor count.

The case against Merino is connected to the sexual abuse of a teenager at the hands of church choir leader Rafael Valentin Magana. Magana, 27, was convicted in April of one felony count of a lewd act upon a child 14 or 15 years of age. He will be required to register as a sex offender and faces up to three years in prison when he is sentenced on June 18.

The sexual abuse was reported to Pastor Merino, triggering his legal duty to notify law enforcement or child welfare services. However, Merino failed to do so.

“Youth in San Diego County deserve to have a safe and healthy environment, free of sexual or physical abuse — whether at school or at church,” DA Stephan said. “When that kind of abuse does happen, it’s critical that those incidents don’t fall through the cracks and that the people in positions of authority follow their duty to report suspected abuse so victims can be supported, and abusers can be held responsible for their crimes. Following the law of mandated reporting can potentially protect another child from being sexually abused by the perpetrator.”

California law mandates that certain professionals, known as mandated reporters, must report any suspected cases of child sexual abuse. These individuals include clergy members, teachers, doctors, social workers, police officers, and other professionals who regularly work with children. Under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA), these mandated reporters are legally required to report their suspicions to child protective services or law enforcement immediately, and they must submit a written report within 36 hours. Failure to comply with these reporting requirements can result in criminal penalties, including fines and incarceration. The law is designed to ensure prompt intervention to protect children from harm.

If convicted of the charge, Merino faces up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

The District Attorney’s Office maintains a Student Safety in School Systems Task Force, which works to make sure that mandated reporters are complying with their legal obligations to report known or suspected acts of physical and sexual abuse against minors that occur in San Diego County.

This case is being prosecuted by Deputy District Attorney Kristi Gill in the DA’s Special Operations Division. The division and the Task Force review allegations where mandated reporters of sexual or physical abuse fail to comply with their legal duties.

More information about the Task Force and how to report suspected abuse can be found at

Photo of hand pouring blue pills from a small zip lock bag.

Murder Charges in Fentanyl Overdose Death

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan announced today that two individuals have been charged with murder in connection with the fentanyl overdose death of 31-year-old Connor Gerhart. Defendants Sheri Cavanaugh, 59, and her co-conspirator, Micah Seau,31, are both charged with murder and conspiracy to commit a crime. The pair conspired to sell the victim fentanyl pills which resulted in his overdose death.

“These defendants were aware of the dangers of the illegal drugs they were selling and in a callous indifference to the victim’s overdose death, conspired to continue dealing this poison in our communities,” said DA Stephan. “Working with our law enforcement partners, we will continue to hold individuals accountable for murder in cases like this and work to deliver justice for Connor’s family and loved ones.”

On June 2, 2023, the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Overdose Response Team responded to the scene of the overdose and immediately commenced an investigation. During their investigation, they established that Seau and Gerhardt were longtime friends and that Cavanaugh and Seau were longtime associates dealing illegal narcotics. The investigation further showed that on May 31, 2023, Seau purchased at least $1,200 worth of fentanyl pills from co-defendant Cavanaugh in La Mesa. Thereafter, Seau invited the victim to pick up his pills and charged him $700. Mr. Gerhart picked up the pills, took some of them, and died on the evening of June 1. He was found in his home by a family friend. In the days following Gerhart’s death, Seau and Cavanaugh continued to be in contact regarding Seau purchasing more narcotics.

“Connor Gerhart is gone too soon,” said DEA Acting Special Agent in Charge Anthony Chrysanthis. “His life was stolen by careless drug dealers who chose money over life. Removing those who sell fake pills and endanger the community is one of the top priorities for the DEA.”

Seau and Cavanaugh were both arrested without incident on May 31 at their homes. They were arraigned this Tuesday in San Diego Superior Court and pleaded not guilty. A readiness hearing was set for June 12. If convicted of all the charges, each defendant faces up to 15 years-to-life in state prison.

“Fentanyl continues to fatally plague our communities, said San Diego Police Chief David Nisleit. “The impacts we see from Fentanyl sales is overwhelming and destructive, prematurely ending the lives of those struggling with addiction every day.” “The San Diego Police Department, Drug Enforcement Administration and the Narcotics Task Force, in coordination with the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office have dedicated significant resources to identify and aggressively prosecute those individuals responsible for the sales of these drugs, especially when such action causes death. This case is a result of the hard work and dedication of investigators to bring those responsible to justice.”

Since 2017, the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office has charged eight fentanyl dealers with homicide stemming from selling or furnishing fentanyl-laced drugs.

In 2021 and 2022, there was an average of about 800 deaths in San Diego County  caused by fentanyl or analogs of fentanyl in each year. To put that in perspective, in 2021, San Diego County experienced 88 homicides caused by firearms. That same year, the county saw 814 deaths caused by fentanyl poisoning.

“Fentanyl killed more young people in our nation than any other cause last year,” DA Stephan said. When someone sells fentanyl, knowing how incredibly dangerous that drug is, and another person dies as a result of using that drug, that is murder.” said DA Stephan.

This case is being prosecuted by the DA’s Major Narcotics Division.

Here are five things we should all know about the dangers of Fentanyl.

Photo of a Judge's gavel and a gun.

Defendant who Murdered In-Laws Sentenced to Life Without Parole + 50 Years

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan announced today that a 46-year-old man, who was convicted by a jury of killing his father and brother-in-law in Valley Center in June 2022, has been sentenced to two terms of life without the possibility of parole plus 50 years in state prison.

A jury found Christian Bobila guilty on March 20 of two counts of first-degree murder, including firearm enhancements for discharging a gun causing death and the special circumstance of multiple murders.

“This was a horrific murder that senselessly devastated an entire family,” DA Stephan said. “Although nothing is a substitute for the death of the two victims, I hope their surviving family members receive a measure of justice with the murder convictions and with today’s sentence. I’m grateful for the hard work and dedication of the DA team led by Deputy DA Daniel Gochnour and the service of the jury that heard the evidence in this case.”

The murders occurred over a long-simmering family schism that developed after the defendant married his wife without his father-in-law’s blessing. After a long drive from the Bay Area to Valley Center, the defendant — armed with a semi-automatic pistol — carried out his plan to kill on a Sunday evening in June 2022. The defendant executed his brother-in-law, Vincent Reyes, while he spoke on the phone, planning for an upcoming business trip. The defendant fired six rounds, striking Reyes three times.

He then proceeded to the upstairs bedroom of his father-in-law, Vicente Reyes. He found the elder Reyes in a recliner watching a movie while he enjoyed a glass of wine. The defendant told Vicente Reyes, “Three years…” referencing the schism in the family that developed when Bobila married Lylah Reyes-Bobila without Vicente’s blessing. Lylah Reyes-Bobila tried to intervene, but the defendant was determined to kill. Despite his wife’s presence, the defendant fired his pistol shooting Vicente in the chest and head.

After killing Vicente Reyes, Bobila went downstairs and told his mother-in-law, Carmelita Reyes, that her son was dead and pointed out to the patio. Carmelita ran outside and found her son, Vincent, face up in a ‘Just Married’ t-shirt, boasting a date just a few weeks before. The defendant fled in his vehicle and was apprehended a mile from the Reyes family home.

Photo of a gavel with a knife and handcuffs.

Hate Crime Defendant Sentenced for Attack on Black Victim  

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan announced today that a 52-year-old hate crime defendant was sentenced to nine years in prison for his violent attack on a Black victim while the two were in a homeless shelter in Carlsbad.

Defendant Jeremy Willis, who pleaded guilty to attempted murder and admitted that he inflicted great bodily injury upon the victim and committed a hate crime, repeatedly stabbed Cassius Hope at the La Posada de Guadalupe shelter in December 2023. When a Good Samaritan witness attempted to alert shelter staff, co-Defendant Scott Williams prevented the Good Samaritan from getting help.

“Cassius Hope was victimized in this brutal hate crimes case just because he was Black,” DA Stephan said. “Unfortunately hate crimes targeting Black people remains the highest category of hate crimes in our county and state. Our lead hate crimes prosecutor Abigail Dillon along with a victim advocate, investigator, paralegal, fought for and supported Mr. Hope throughout the process and were able to achieve justice on his behalf.”

The defendant, who is white, repeatedly called Hope the n-word and made other derogatory comments about Hope’s race while stabbing him at the homeless shelter. As we do with all victims of crime, our office will continue to offer services and support to the victim to assist him in moving past this horrible incident.

Co-Defendant Scott Williams, who pleaded guilty to attempting to dissuade a witness from reporting, was sentenced last week to 16 months in prison.

“Hate against one group is a threat to everyone and we won’t tolerate these crimes in our community,” DA Stephan said. “Anyone considering committing a hate crime should think again as they will be investigated, prosecuted and held accountable under the law.”

Photo of Victim Assistance Program Supervisor Annamarie Francisco.

Meet Victim Assistance Program Supervisor Annamarie Francisco

In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, which is observed throughout the month of May, we are featuring stories of DA employees, what inspired them to pursue a career in public service and their contributions at the DA’s Office.

Meet Victim Assistance Program Supervisor Annamarie Francisco, who has been at the DA’s Office for the past eight years. She is currently assigned to the North County Branch Superior Court Division. She directly assists victims in the aftermath of a crime – this includes providing emergency-related services like assistance with relocation or funeral/burial expenses through CalVCB; assisting with safety planning and making referrals to One Safe Place: The North County Family Justice Center or other community agencies to help a victim leave a dangerous situation; providing crisis intervention and always approaching victims with trauma informed care; educating the victim about the criminal justice process, providing updates and accompanying the victim to court; informing the victim of their rights under Marsy’s Law; acting as a liaison between the victim and our office/law enforcement, among other duties. She currently supervises a team of advocates (with Ollie the Court Dog!) in North County, where they work misdemeanors and felonies of all crime types. She also interviews potential candidates for vacant Victim Advocate positions and she present trainings regarding our program to recruits at the San Diego Regional Academy and other community service agencies. Annamarie is also a part of the Crisis Response Team, which is called out to provide crisis intervention to victims of mass violence incidents or incidents that affect the greater community. She is also a member of the San Diego Anti-Hate Coalition and enjoys working with other government and community agencies to combat hate. Within the DA’s Office, she is a member of the Peer Support Team for the office- if you or anyone you know is a DA employee dealing with a critical incident or personal problem and would like to talk it out with a peer, the Peer Support Team is here for you and only a phone call or e-mail away. Read more about what inspired Annamarie to pursue career in law enforcement at the DA’s Office, below, or meet her in THIS VIDEO.

What inspired you to pursue a career in law enforcement/ at the DA’s Office?

“Growing up, my parents instilled within me an appreciation for and purpose in service to country and to the public. My dad was in the chosen three out of 300 applicants to be recruited for the US Navy out of the Philippines – he proudly served for 26 years. My mom did a few years in the County before she went on to have a long career in the US Postal Service. My sister is a Captain in the US Army and many of my aunts, uncles and cousins have served or are currently serving in the armed forces. Victim advocacy is a career that I fell into and ended up falling in love with. Since the first homicide I ever worked, I’ve found purpose in consoling those in crisis, providing information to those who are lost, and acting as an emotional support and guide for victims as they navigate the criminal justice process. I’m proud to be a team member of an office that combats crime, pursues justice, and holds those who threaten our safety and well-being accountable for their actions.”


Why is AAPI Month important to you?

“Both of my parents left their home country of the Philippines to pursue the American Dream – the belief that hard work, determination, and grit would bring with it an assortment of opportunities and a better life. I visited my parents’ hometowns in the Philippines, and it gave me a new perspective and a deeper appreciation for all the sacrifices my parents made so that my two sisters and I could have the best of everything. I was also lucky to have grown up with both sets of grandparents, who lived through devastating events like the Bataan Death March during WWII and survived and thrived.  AAPI to me is honoring, remembering, preserving, celebrating, sharing, and all those other beautiful verbs where we come from, who we are, and where we’re going. It’s connecting with people like us, educating others not like us, sharing our tradition and cuisines, and celebrating what makes us unique.”

WATCH a video about Victim Assistance Program Supervisor Annamarie Francisco, here.

Read more AAPI stories from the DA’s Office, here.

Photo of gavel and scales of justice.

50 Years-to-Life in Domestic Violence Case

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan said today that defendant Arturo Ulloa, 43, has been sentenced to 50 years-to-life in prison for brutally attacking his girlfriend, strangling her and then stabbing her repeatedly. The sentence was handed down in San Diego Superior Court in Vista this afternoon. During a jury trial in January, Ulloa was found guilty of premeditated attempted murder, aggravated mayhem, attempted carjacking, and child endangerment. The defendant has 11 prior convictions for armed robbery. Deputy District Attorney Jessica Stehr prosecuted the case.

“This was a vicious crime, committed in front of the victim’s children,” said DA Stephan. “It’s incredible that she survived the attack and a testament to her resiliency and bravery that she was able to testify during the trial. Today, a measure of justice has been delivered.”

The victim was awakened at about 5:30 a.m. by the defendant who was strangling her. He stopped and then started strangling her again, this time for about two minutes. The victim tried to get away and defend herself, but Ulloa then began stabbing her with steak knives. He stabbed her more than 20 times using five different knives. Her children, ages 4 and 7, witnessed the attack and ran to a neighbor for help. After stabbing his girlfriend, the defendant fled and attempted to carjack a separate victim.

Strangulation is common in domestic violence incidents and law enforcement in San Diego County has a coordinated community response on how to handle such cases. Studies have shown that episodes of non-fatal strangulation have a greater likelihood of leading to homicide. The county’s Strangulation Protocol put into place a system of uniform detection, documentation and response so victims receive consistent treatment across the county. Since strangulation often does not leave obvious signs of injury, it is important for victims to report it and receive appropriate medical care.

Domestic violence has many forms including physical aggression, sexual abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, stalking, or financial abuse. This includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, frighten, terrorize, injure, or wound someone.

If you or someone you know is being abused, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233. More resources can be found on the District Attorney’s website.

In addition, One Safe Place: The North County Family Justice Center provides free support services all under one roof to anyone who has experienced child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, hate crime, elder abuse, human trafficking, violent loss, family violence, or other abuse or victimization. For more information, visit

Photo of the cover of the DA's Annual Report 2023.

DA Releases 2023 Annual Report

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan released the DA’s 2023 Annual Report, noting a number of recent accomplishments across many different areas of her office’s mission.

“As one of the few public service offices that represents all 18 cities and 39 unincorporated communities that make up our beloved San Diego County, we are fiercely committed to the right of every child, adult and senior to live with safety and dignity,” DA Stephan said. “In this report you will find reflected the work of the dedicated DA team of prosecutors, investigators, victim advocates and staff working alongside law enforcement and the communities we serve to keep San Diego one of the safest urban counties in America.”

The Annual Report can be found online here.

The report includes:

  • A breakdown of prosecutions by crime type
  • A description of notable and high-profile criminal cases
  • An account of services provided to crime victims
  • Stories of hope from users One Safe Place – the North County Family Justice Center
  • Facts and figures of our outreach in the community
Photo of Deputy DA Garret Wong in his office with AAPI Month written in text.

Meet Deputy DA Garret Wong

In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, which is observed throughout the month of May, we are featuring stories of DA employees, what inspired them to pursue a career in public service and their contributions at the DA’s Office.

Meet Deputy District Attorney Garret Wong, who has been at the DA’s Office for the past 15 years and is currently assigned to the South Bay branch as team leader and supervises the Misdemeanor Trial Team in prosecuting all misdemeanor cases for the South Bay branch office. This involves reviewing and evaluating work of misdemeanor trial attorneys, including advising and counseling misdemeanor trial attorneys in matters of law and trial strategies. Read more about what inspired Garret to pursue career in law enforcement at the DA’s Office, below, or meet him in THIS VIDEO.

What inspired you to pursue a career in law enforcement/ at the DA’s Office?

“Both my mother and father worked in public service for the entirety of their respective careers. My father was the first Asian American hired for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Arizona office. He was among the first Chinese-American agents assigned as part of a special task force for the FBI’s San Francisco office, where he retired after a 27 year career. My mother began her federal career with the U.S. Customs Service as the first Asian American staff attorney in Customs legal offices, working her way up to Senior Attorney before Customs transitioned to the Department of Homeland Security. She retired as the Assistant Chief Counsel in charge of the San Francisco office after working in federal service for 35 years. She was the first Asian American to hold that position and the first Chinese American attorney manager for CBP. I was raised understanding the importance of public service and serving my community. I believe this is what led me to pursuing a career as a prosecutor with the San Diego District Attorney’s Office.”

Why is AAPI Month important to you?

“Asian family values often emphasize humility and restraint above everything (this was certainly my childhood experience!). This often manifests in a reluctance to acknowledge and highlight Asian American achievements and contributions. AAPI month provides an opportunity to recognize and celebrate those Asian Americans who have enriched America’s history who would otherwise have intentionally remained in the background. I am very proud of my family’s history of public service to our country, and I love being able to continue that legacy through my work as a prosecutor with our office!”

WATCH a video about Deputy DA Garret Wong, here.

Read more AAPI stories from the DA’s Office, here.

District Attorney Summer Stephan poses for photos with San Diego County Sheriff members honored with Cops of the Quarter Awards at One Safe Place: The North County Family Justice Center.

DA Honors ‘Cops of the Quarter’ at One Safe Place

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan joined our team at One Safe Place: The North County Family Justice Center to honor Sheriff Kelly Martinez and the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department with the “Cops of the Quarter” Award last week. The honored team members pictured have shown valor, compassion and dedication in service to our survivors of domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse, sexual assault and human trafficking.

The awardees included Captain Kevin Ralph and the SDSO San Marcos substation, deputies, detectives and crime prevention specialists that have truly gone above and beyond every day, giving our survivors a voice and ensuring that every effort is made to bring them hope, healing and justice.

The SDSO teams have been a vital part of the collaborative efforts with our law enforcement partners at One Safe Place and we are thankful for their support to our survivors and staff.

Please join us in congratulating the following honorees:

  • Captain Kevin Ralph & SDSO San Marcos Substation
  • Deputy Michael Benninger
  • Crime Prevention Specialist Nhu Le-Brown
  • Det. Natalie Rivera
  • Det. Ronald Bushnell
  • Deputy Ricardo Andrade
  • Deputy Michael Lee
  • Detective Charles Eglin
  • Deputy Thomas Nelson

To learn more about One Safe Place, click here.

Photo of Deputy District Attorney Allana Platt for AAPI Month.

Meet Deputy District Attorney Allana Platt

In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, which is observed throughout the month of May, we are featuring stories of DA employees, what inspired them to pursue a career in public service and their contributions at the DA’s Office.

Meet Deputy District Attorney Allana Platt, who has been at the DA’s Office for the past three years and is currently assigned to the Preliminary Team in the South Bay Branch. As a prelim Deputy DA, her day to day typically involves preparing felony cases by reviewing discovery, speaking with victims, conducting preliminary hearings, and handling the felony arraignment calendar. Read more about what inspired Allana to pursue career in law enforcement at the DA’s Office, below.

What inspired you to pursue a career in law enforcement/ at the DA’s Office?

“My desire to pursue a career at the DA’s Office really developed while I was in college at Gonzaga University. While there, I received an education infused with Jesuit values. Throughout my classes, there was a strong emphasis on social justice and serving the community around me. I decided to pair that mission with my interest in criminal law and wanted to become a prosecutor. Additionally, my grandparents were immigrants from China and operated a cash-run laundry in Encino, Los Angeles. My mom and her five siblings all worked the cash registers starting at a young age. I always heard stories of the business being robbed, and my grandfather never reported the crime to police due to fear and distrust of the criminal justice system. Another reason I decided to pursue a career in law enforcement is because it’s important to me that the DA’s office reflects the community we represent.”

Why is AAPI Month important to you?

AAPI Month is special to me because I believe it’s important to recognize and celebrate the achievements of those in the AAPI community. Growing up in a predominantly white neighborhood and school, I always felt the need to assimilate. I failed to embrace my community and culture until I grew a lot older. I now understand how powerful and impactful I can be as an Asian-American prosecutor. But overall, AAPI month symbolizes the immense pride that I now take in my heritage, my culture, and my community.”

Read more AAPI stories from the DA’s Office, here.