County Board of Supervisors Approves DA Sponsored Bills

Protecting Victims of Sexual Assault, Seniors and Consumers

In a unanimous vote today, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors moved to support three DA-sponsored bills that will strengthen state laws in support of sexual assault victims, senior citizens and consumers buying supplies during a state of emergency.

Each bill was drafted with input from experts in the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office and each piece of legislation closes loopholes that inadvertently keep victims vulnerable in certain situations. San Diego County Supervisor Dianne Jacob brought the board item before Supervisors.

[WATCH Board of Supervisors Meeting on June 2, 2020, item 13 is discussed at minute 52:00]

“Having the strong support of our County Board of Supervisors to strengthen these laws helps amplify our message to lawmakers in Sacramento as we work to give crime victims and consumers an added layer of protection during already difficult situations,” District Attorney Summer Stephan said. “These bills protect the public and hold bad actors accountable.”

Assembly Bill 1927 (Boerner Horvath, D-Encinitas) would provide sexual assault victims and witnesses with amnesty to encourage participation in a sexual assault prosecution. Current law makes it a crime to possess or use a controlled substance and for a minor to purchase and consume alcohol, which can create situations where sexual assault victims and witnesses choose not to come forward out of fear of prosecution in a separate trial.

Assembly Bill 2471 (Brian Maienschein, D-San Diego) would extend the time for a seniors 65 or older, to cancel certain contracts from three business days to five. A longer timeframe allows elderly people more time to carefully review the contract and consult with others before moving forward with the financial commitment.

Senate Bill 1196 (Thomas Umberg, D-Santa Ana) strengthens current law by clarifying that price gouging penalties also apply during a pandemic or epidemic disease outbreak, that all sales — including online sales and new sellers — are covered by a price gouging prohibition. The bill also establishes a price measure of cost to determine price gouging and authorizes the Governor or the Legislature to extend the duration of price gouging prohibitions past 30 days.

AB 1927 and AB 2471 are awaiting final vote on the Assembly floor and SB 1196 is waiting to be heard in Senate Appropriations Committee.

DA's Statement on Death of George Floyd and Protests

DA’s Statement on Death of George Floyd and Protests

As the nation and San Diego County grapples with the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer, the events of the past several days have resulted in a mix of emotions and reactions. For many, it understandably ignited long-term, historic trauma that has its roots in racism and inequality. It is heartbreaking to watch the dehumanizing of Mr. Floyd’s life and our condolences go out to his family. My heart aches over the suffering he endured.
It’s clear that while this is a time to grieve, it is even more so a time to double down on our commitment to act in a manner that honors our values and our common humanity, and to forge permanent solutions. We in the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office stand in solidarity with our communities to condemn racism and bigotry wherever it exists, in any form, in any uniform, by any perpetrator.
Our DA family is one with the communities we serve, and we will stand by the residents of San Diego County and fight alongside you to continue to pursue equality and fairness. The truth that all human beings are created equal and their lives are equally valuable should be self-evident but we need to acknowledge that even in 2020, those ideals are clearly not a reality for everyone.
In my office, there is nothing more central to our responsibility to protect public safety than the sanctity of human life, and our duty to stand with the voiceless in the pursuit of justice. Everyone must be held accountable under the law including prosecutors and police officers. I recognize that those of us who are leaders in the law enforcement community have the profound duty and responsibility to use our power to dismantle generations of inequity and to, with courage, continue to build systems of justice that represent a new way forward.
As a first step, I’m committed to working with our law enforcement leaders to increase transparency and support a culture in police departments of reporting bad actors. I view this issue as being similar to the duty of teachers and counselors as mandated reporters. They are not allowed to look away from abuse and neither should we in law enforcement be allowed to look the other way. There are many good, decent peace officers who are horrified by bad actors and how they destroy and cheapen the sacrifice of life and limb of all officers who put themselves in harm’s way to protect us.
I’m also committed to forging ahead to train and retrain every officer in de-escalation methods that honor life and can protect those with mental health issues and disabilities during interactions with police. My office is coordinating this training, which includes elimination of racial bias, with the Psychiatric Emergency Response Team (PERT) and the commitment and partnership from every Chief of Police and Sheriff in San Diego County. We are well on our way having trained 700 local officers with training of all 5,000 officers as the goal.
These are first steps that just scratch the surface of what we’re up against, but we must make room for hope. Here in San Diego and across the country, law enforcement has denounced what happened and has vowed to do better.

Finally, peaceful protest is a time-honored tradition in our country, and we in law enforcement strive to protect these important First Amendment rights. The majority of those protesting are doing so peacefully. But when protests turn violent, it is an insult to the rightful expressions of peaceful protesters, and law enforcement must act to protect the community.

Protesting is an inalienable right recognized by the U.S. Constitution. Rioting is a crime.
As District Attorney, it is my responsibility to prosecute those who choose violence, looting or lawlessness to harm our community. I join San Diego’s law enforcement and community leaders in calling for unity and peace, not violence and chaos, while we work together.
Now more than ever, the District Attorney’s Office embraces our mission to pursue fair and equal justice for all. We must continue to call out injustice and fervently safeguard the sacred rights and dignity of all human beings. We take comfort in knowing there is much more good in the world than bad and we strive to be an integral part of that public good.
Mental Health Awareness, Don't Suffer in Isolation

Mental Health Awareness, Don’t Suffer in Isolation

As Mental Health Awareness Month comes to a close, San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan is reminding the public that resources are available, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. While San Diegans are doing their part to stop the spread of the coronavirus, it is more important than ever to be mindful of mental health and the resources that are available in the County. [TWEET THIS]

“We know there is an intersection between untreated mental health, substance abuse and the criminal justice system and that this can be triggered by isolation due to the pandemic,” DA Stephan said. “Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you are struggling. We want the public to know there are resources available even during the pandemic. The last thing we want is for untreated mental health problems to turn to violence. Remember, social distance doesn’t have to mean social isolation.”

Any member of the public can use 211 San Diego as a starting point for services. In addition, NAMI San Diego’s COVID-19 page offers assistance for those in need. Last year, the District Attorney’s Office created a 911 palm cardthat it provided to police agencies, the public and mental health organizations with steps the public should take when providing information to 911 dispatchers on calls for service especially those involving family members with mental health issues and what they should expect when police arrive. [TWEET THIS]

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to work with Behavioral Health Services and other stakeholders to bring to the community critical mental health services described in the DA’s Blueprint for Mental Health Reform, such as crisis stabilization centers.

“We are all feeling trauma with our routines upended and normal life on hold,” said Luke Bergmann, Director of Behavior Health Services for San Diego County. “With an economic downturn already in motion, we know that risks to behavioral health are especially high. Early intervention can prevent suicide or overdose. That’s why we are reminding everyone that it’s important to talk about your mental health and that the treatment system is open and accessible. If you have a phone, you can get help.”  [TWEET THIS]

With Schools Closed, Children More Susceptible to Exploitation

With Schools Closed, Children More Susceptible to Exploitation

Now that school campuses have been closed since mid-March in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, law enforcement officials and human trafficking watchdog groups are concerned students are more susceptible than ever to sexual exploitation because teachers and school staff aren’t able to make the same observations as they would in person. Educators often act as law enforcement’s eyes and ears, noticing some of the telltale signs that a student is being groomed or sexually exploited by a trafficker. [TWEET THIS]

The San Diego Trafficking Prevention Collective, which was formed last year, is now providing online training to teachers in order to continue their mission of bringing human trafficking education, prevention and awareness training into every public school in San Diego County.

“Just because kids are not physically in schools, does not mean they aren’t at risk of being recruited into the dangerous world of human trafficking,” District Attorney Summer Stephan said. “Now that students are all spending more time online, they are a captive audience for would-be traffickers making contact on social media, which means we have to expand our efforts to educate them to prevent them from falling victim to predators.” [TWEET THIS]

Reports of technology-based exploitation have tripled to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Collective has responded to this increased danger by educating students, parents and teachers through virtual Teacher Academies, live presentations and self-paced web platforms. While teachers have less access to supervising students the Collective provides additional parent and community resources to equip families in their home environment. It has also increased online trainings for teachers and specifically as it relates to online safety in collaboration with Child Welfare Services.

The San Diego Human Trafficking Task Force is seeing an increase in the number of cases involving juvenile victims since the COVID-19 emergency started. In the majority of these cases, they have found evidence of the trafficker recruiting and grooming the victim over social media.

“Social media is the number one recruiting method for traffickers,” said Geanie Franco, Commander for the San Diego Human Trafficking Task Force. “Parents should know what sites their children visit and talk to them about the ways strangers could try to entice children online.”

In the year since it launched, the Trafficking Prevention Collective group has trained 6,073 teachers in 280 schools and has interacted with more than 12,000 students. The San Diego Trafficking Prevention Collective is a multistage educational program that combines early childhood education, participatory theater, and classroom-based curriculum to decrease the number of children involved in human trafficking within San Diego County. The Collective’s website has been enriched with more robust content that brings awareness to the fact that nearly all high schools have reported cases of human trafficking.

“We were on a good trajectory of training teachers and students when the pandemic suddenly brought classes to a standstill, so we had to look at other ways to get the word out,” said Catherine Hanna Schrock, program and artistic director for kNOw MORE, a drama-based interactive training for students and families.

When it launched last year, the Collective obtained a four-year grant to fund the critical training, helping school districts comply with a law passed in 2017 requiring schools to provide a human trafficking curriculum. This first-of-its-kind partnership between the District Attorney’s Office and the private sector brought three unique programs to schools under the Collective’s umbrella: PROTECT, Project ROOTS, and kNOw MORE.

The grant has been funded by the UBS Optimus Foundation and several of its donors, which identified San Diego as a region with opportunities to augment its approach to human trafficking prevention and education.

San Diego is on the FBI’s list of top 13 cities for trafficking children. Human trafficking and research estimates that San Diego has an underground sex economy worth $810 million a year. Victims can be anyone – women, men, children, U.S. citizens or foreign nationals. However, in the area of sex trafficking, minors are particularly vulnerable targets. Social media is an easy way for traffickers to access and exploit children. The public can follow the Collective at @sandiegotpc on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. [TWEET THIS]

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PROTECT (PRevention Organized to Educate Children on Trafficking) – a 3 Strands Global Foundation program – is a holistic classroom education program that provides teachers and students with a comprehensive understanding of the dangers and signs of human trafficking and exploitation. Online or in-person staff training, instructional resources and curriculum are available to teachers in elementary, middle and high school. PROTECT helps teachers identify vulnerable students and connect them to the appropriate resources.

Project ROOTS – a PCI program – is an after-school program that addresses the root causes of gender-based violence, exploitation, and unhealthy relationships through group mentoring and social emotional learning. Project ROOTS has adapted several activities that parents can do at home with their children, covering emotional well-being, online and social media safety, and practicing empathy.

kNOw MORE – a Point Loma Nazarene University-Center for Justice and Reconciliation program – is a student-centered human trafficking awareness and prevention curriculum for middle and high school students. The program provides a drama-based interactive training for students and their families. kNOw MORE has created a digital version of the popular drama-based and survivor-led program in which staff works with schools to craft a suitable program delivery plan that meets the needs of each school.

Beware of COVID-19 Economic Impact Payment Scams

Organized Auto Theft Scam Targeting Latino Community

For the past several months, RATT Investigators have identified numerous cases related to a carjacking/extortion series. Suspects are advertising job postings on social media job groups, searching for drivers interested in transporting large sums of money from San Diego County to Los Angeles County, often for a payment of several thousand dollars.  Victims contact the potential employer who explains the job is completely legal and would require the victim to meet with them at a pre-designated location in Southern San Diego County, typically in locations close to the border. [TWEET THIS]

Once at the locations, the victims are approached by a suspect who claims he would need to take the victim’s vehicle to be loaded with money at an undisclosed location. The victims surrender their vehicle, which is immediately driven into Mexico. Several victims report the suspect displays a concealed firearm at the first sign of reluctance in surrendering their vehicle. Several victims are later contacted by the suspects, demanding they wire funds to an account in exchange for the return of their vehicle. The vehicle is not returned regardless of meeting the demands.

The incidents are believed to be related to an organized criminal group, based out of Mexico.  The suspects target exclusively members of the Spanish speaking Latino Community.  Most of the victims are from the Los Angeles Area.  The RATT Commander, California Highway Patrol Captain James Portilla asks the Latino Community to “be cautious when responding to job offers advertised via social media outlets from private parties.  We have had 17 victims over the last several months with a total vehicle loss of approximately 474,000 thousand dollars.” The following are several red flags to look out for, which may be useful in helping to avoid falling victim:

  • The suspects appear to target social media job groups focused on a Spanish speaking audience
  • The suspects appear to primarily target Los Angeles residents, but not exclusively
  • The suspects often ask the victim for their vehicle’s description prior to providing a meet location, targeting newer SUVs and trucks
  • If the victim does not own or have access to an SUV or truck, the suspect requests the victim to rent one for the job

If you do transactions with private parties, it’s safer to meet at a police station.

If you believe you are one of these victims or have information, please contact the San Diego County Regional Auto Theft Task Force at (858) 627-4000.


About the Regional Auto Theft Task Force (RATT)

The mission of San Diego County’s Regional Auto Theft Task Force (RATT) is to collaborate effectively to reduce the incidence of vehicle theft and increase the arrests and prosecution of professional thieves using regional pro-active investigative methods and public education. The task force is led by the California Highway Patrol and members include the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office; San Diego County Sheriff’s Department; the police departments in San Diego, Chula Vista, National City and La Mesa; the United States Border Patrol; The United States Secret Service; the Department of Motor Vehicles; California Department of Insurance and the National Insurance Crime Bureau.

DA Establishes New Hate Crimes Hotline

DA Establishes New Hate Crimes Hotline


District Attorney Summer Stephan announced today her office has set up a new online form and hotline where the public can report suspected hate crimes they’ve witnessed in San Diego County. The tool is partly in response to reports of hate-related incidents aimed at the Asian community across the nation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the arrest of a 66-year old man in San Diego, who physically attacked a man he perceived to be Chinese-American. [TWEET THIS]

“Fighting hate crimes in all its forms is a priority for my office and these crimes won’t be tolerated,” said District Attorney Summer Stephan. “The COVID-19 health crisis has created some concern among victims of crime who may be unsure if law enforcement and prosecutors con-tinue to be ready to protect the community as they respond to the pandemic. I can assure you that we are.”

[WATCH: Virtual Town Hall Meeting about Hate Crimes and COVID-19]

“This reporting tool facilitates access to justice for San Diego County’s diverse communities,” Stephan said. “This tool can be used to report suspected hate crime against anyone, but we’re especially concerned right now that the Asian community will become targets of hate crime as we continue to respond to this pandemic. We know that people often don’t report hate crimes because of fear or shame, and we wanted to provide a direct avenue to encourage victims or witnesses to hate crimes to report. People can and should continue to report hate crimes to their local police departments and Sheriff’s Department. This additional reporting mechanism will act as a safety net and help ensure reports are reviewed and shared by law enforcement.”

The online reporting form can be found on the District Attorney’s website here. The Hate Crimes Hotline number is 619-515-8805.

Individuals submitting information about a suspected hate crime will be contacted with infor-mation about the DA’s review of the report and any action that may be taken. The public is reminded that hate speech in and of itself often does not rise to the level of a hate crime, but it could escalate to criminal behavior. By law, a hate crime is a criminal act committed against an-other person that is motivated by prejudice against certain characteristics of that person.

In 2019 and 2018, the District Attorney’s Office filed hate crime charges against 30 individuals. The number represents a continued increase from cases filed in previous years. Historically, race-based hate crimes make up between 50 and 60 percent of all hate crimes in the County.

Read more about hate crimes, here.

Meet the Deputy DA who leads the DA’s Hate Crimes prosecutions and prevention outreach.


DA Co-Sponsors Price Gouging Legislation

DA Co-Sponsors Price Gouging Legislation

As Californians struggle to adapt to the havoc created by the COVID-19 pandemic, they shouldn’t have to also worry about being gouged when buying essential items. In an effort to update existing laws and combat illegal price spikes happening in San Diego and across the state, DA Summer Stephan has joined Senator Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana) and Orange County DA Todd Spitzer in debuting new legislation, Senate Bill 1196, that will tighten California law to assist law enforcement officials in prosecuting instances of price gouging that are committed by new sellers during an emergency. [TWEET THIS]

“Emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic bring out the best in most Californians, but some businesses take advantage of emergency conditions to gouge consumers with extreme prices for essential goods and services,” San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan said. “This bill will help close loopholes that allow greedy actors to escape accountability and ensures that California businesses don’t charge abusive prices for health and consumer essentials during this national emergency.”

COVID-19 Price Gouging InfoGraphicCurrently, under California Penal Code Section 396, price gouging is illegal and punishable by law during a declared state of emergency. However, the code hasn’t been changed since 1992. For example, current law dictates that a seller has committed price gouging when they charge “a price of more than 10 percent greater than the price charged by that person for those goods or services immediately prior to the proclamation or declaration or emergency.” This section clearly prevents established sellers of specified goods from committing price gouging, but is silent to new sellers in a market place. This amendment clarifies existing law to ensure that the safeguard applies to online purchases.

The San Diego County District Attorney’s Office has received more than 280 reports of potential price gouging, is investigating each complaint and has contacted 60 businesses.

“We are committed to protect Californians from those that prey on our community during the trying times of national or global emergencies. We will continue to use all of the tools at our disposal to prevent price gouging during this, and any future disaster” Senator Umberg said. “There are brave men and women in the health and public safety sectors of our community whose lives are on the line every day. It is immoral and unacceptable to allow some to take advantage of this crisis when so many are fighting to help.”

You can also report price gouging to the DA’s Consumer Hotline at 619-531-3507. [TWEET THIS]

Beware of COVID-19 Economic Impact Payment Scams

Beware of COVID-19 Economic Impact Payment Scams


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will begin to distribute COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments in a matter of weeks. For most Americans, this will be a direct deposit into your bank account. For the unbanked, elderly or other groups that have traditionally received tax refunds via paper check, they will receive their economic impact payment in this manner as well.

Unfortunately, criminals and scammers are taking this unprecedented pandemic as an opportunity to exploit the public, which is why the San Diego County District Attorney joins the IRS in warning the public to be vigilant of scams that are attempting to steal your personal information and your money.

Scammers may try to get you to sign over your check to them. Scammers may use this as an opportunity to get you to “verify” you filing information in order to receive your money, using your personal information to file false tax returns in an identity theft scheme. [TWEET THIS]

COVID19 Scams2 Graphic


-The IRS will deposit your economic impact payment into the direct deposit account you previously provided on your tax return (or, in the alternative, send you a paper check). The IRS will not call and ask you to verify your payment details. Do not give out your bank account, debit account, or PayPal account information – even if someone claims it is necessary to get your economic impact payment. Beware of this scam.

-If you receive a call, do not engage with the scammers or thieves. Just hang up. If you receive texts or email claiming that you can get your money faster by sending personal information or clicking on links, delete them. Do not click on any links in those emails.

-Reports are also swirling about bogus checks. If you received a “check” in the mail now, it’s a fraud – it will take the Treasury Department a few weeks to distribute the payments. If you receive a “check” for an odd amount (especially one with cents), or a check that requires that you verify the check online or by calling a number, it’s a fraud.

IRS-Impersonation Telephone Scams:

An aggressive and sophisticated phone scam targeting taxpayers, including recent immigrants has been making the rounds through the county. Callers claim to be employees of the IRS, but are not. Victims are told they owe money to the IRS and it must be paid promptly through a pre-loaded debit card or wire transfer. If the victim refuses to cooperate, they are then threatened with arrest, deportation or suspension of a business or driver’s license. Or, victims may be told they have a refund due to try to trick them into sharing private information.

With COVID-19 scams they may urge you to pay this fake “debt” with your economic impact check. For those who receive an actual check, they may ask you to endorse it and forward to them for “payment of past debts.”

REMEMBER: Scammers change tactics — variations of the IRS impersonation scam continue year-round and they tend to peak when scammers find prime opportunities to strike — like a new economic impact check being sent. [TWEET THIS]

COVID19 Scams1 Graphic

Email, Phishing and Malware Schemes:

Scam emails are designed to trick taxpayers into thinking these are official communications from the IRS, tax industry professionals or tax software companies. These phishing emails ask taxpayers about a wide range of topics — related to refunds, filing status, ordering transcripts and verifying PIN information — in order to steal your personal information or file false tax returns.

When people click on links from these phishing emails, they are taken to sites designed to imitate an official-looking website, such as The sites may also carry malware, which can infect people’s computers to steal their files or record their keystrokes.

Also be aware of email phishing scams that appear to be from the IRS and include a link to a bogus web site intended to mirror the official IRS web site. These emails contain the direction “you are to update your IRS e-file immediately.” The emails mention and IRSgov (without a dot between IRS” and “gov”). Don’t get scammed. These emails are not from the IRS.


Don’t be a victim! Visit or for the latest information.


Domestic Violence Resources Available During COVID-19 Closure

Domestic Violence Resources Available During COVID-19 Closures


In the unprecedented circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re all affected by the crisis. This is especially true for couples and families who may be at risk of domestic violence and who are now in close quarters amid Governor Gavin Newsom’s stay at home order.

In response, District Attorney Summer Stephan is reminding the public of resources available to victims of domestic violence.  [TWEET THIS]

“We acknowledge the necessity of Governor Newsom’s order, but want to be sure we provide a lifeline to those who may be at increased risk of violence at the hands of an intimate partner,” DA Summer Stephan said. “Additional stressors such as losing a job and kids at home due to school closures can be triggers for domestic violence. We want people who are seeing warning signs of abuse or who are being abused to know that we stand ready to help them and that they shouldn’t suffer in silence.”

A new domestic violence resource website, set up by the District Attorney’s Office, provides information in English and Spanish on free local services, along with an anonymous quiz that determines one’s risk for domestic violence. There is also a version of the website for offenders with information on how to stop the cycle of abuse. The sites were developed with a Department of Justice Domestic Violence Smart Prosecution Grant. In addition, domestic violence hotlines, resource centers and temporary restraining orders are still available during the temporary court closure. Shelters funded by Cal OES are essential services and are still operating. [TWEET THIS]

There are also services available for victims of sexual assault, human trafficking, elder abuse, child abuse and fraud.

COVID19 Domestic Violence Resources English Graphic

Red flags for abuse include:

  • Controlling and jealous behaviors
  • Threats to harm you, your children or pet
  • Destruction of property
  • Put downs or telling you that nothing you do is right
  • Forced sex
  • Withholding access to money or medical care
  • Shaming or embarrassing you
  • Saying if you get coronavirus symptoms you will get kicked out
  • Forcing you to do drugs or alcohol
  • Threatening to have you deported

If you or someone you know is in danger, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. There is also an online chat service available or you can text LOVEIS to 22522. Information is also available on the DA’s websiteHere is an UPDATED COMPREHENSIVE LIST of services and resources available during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Anyone in immediate danger should call 911.  [TWEET THIS]


Prosecutors Join Forces to Protect County Residents During COVID-19

Prosecutors Join Forces to Protect County Residents During COVID-19

Local law enforcement agencies are working together to protect San Diego County residents and to remind the public of consumer laws in place during the COVID-19 state of emergency and Governor Gavin Newsom’s order for Californians to stay at home. During this time of uncertainty, San Diego City Attorney Mara W. Elliott, San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan, and U.S. Attorney Robert Brewer are collaborating to hold accountable those who prey on fear and vulnerabilities for personal gain by:

  • hiking prices on essential items
  • duping customers through false advertising
  • committing acts of discrimination that could lead to hate crimes

In response to reports about discrimination and harassment against Asian Americans and immigrant populations, the agencies are sharing information regarding incidents of potential hate crimes and are warning the public not to engage in discriminatory behavior.


The offices are also working together on investigating reports of price gouging on items such as food, hand sanitizer, and protective masks. Additionally, the agencies are cracking down on scams involving false promises of treatments and cures, fraudulent financial investments, fake at-home testing kits, and deceptive online ads and email campaigns.

“Collaboration in government and law enforcement has never been more important,” City Attorney Mara Elliott said. “We are working together with all levels of government to target and hold accountable those who spread hatred and exploit residents while our community grapples with these difficult circumstances.”

Reports of predatory pricing, usually by small retailers looking to make a fast buck, are coming in from across the county. One store tripled the price of eggs. Another medical supply establishment is charging five times the former price for hand sanitizer and twice the price for a box of surgical masks. Another shop owner is re-selling Costco- brand bottled water for four times the retail price.

State law makes it a crime to raise prices more than 10% on necessary goods and services after a state of emergency has been declared. It is also a crime to make untrue or misleading statements about a product, such as claiming a product can treat or cure COVID-19.

“We rely on reports from San Diegans across the county to stop greedy price gouging, fraudulent schemes and discrimination as a potential genesis for hate crimes,” District Attorney Summer Stephan said. “We will stop crooks who prey on the natural fears and vulnerabilities that our community is experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We want the public to know that we stand with them and will continue to bring justice during this vulnerable time. We are working in partnership with public safety leaders to investigate reports and act swiftly to halt illegal practices. So far, the incidents reported to our office have resulted in immediate compliance by businesses that our investigators have contacted.”

In addition, the United States Attorney’s Office and a range of federal law enforcement agencies are joining forces to address fraud relating to COVID-19. Individuals or companies who try to exploit the COVID-19 pandemic to defraud consumers, patients, investors, businesses, or government face significant criminal penalties under a range of federal criminal laws, such as laws prohibiting wire fraud, mail fraud, or identity theft. The reach of federal law enforcement extends throughout the United States and beyond, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office is committed to protecting the residents of San Diego and Imperial counties. [TWEET THIS]

U.S. Attorney Robert Brewer of the Southern District of California said, “We will not tolerate fraudsters who try to take advantage of the current pandemic to cheat and steal. The U.S. Attorney’s Office looks forward to federal, state, and local authorities working together to safeguard our community.”

The agencies are investigating all reports of price gouging and fraud to protect consumers who are trying to ensure the health and safety of their families. The offices are sharing information statewide with partners in federal, state, and local agencies to provide a coordinated response.

The Federal Trade Commission has a list of tips on ways to avoid Coronavirus scams, especially for the elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to scam phone calls. Part of their list includes:

  • Hang up on robocalls without pressing any numbers. Scammers are using illegal robocalls to pitch everything from scam Coronavirus treatments to work-at-home schemes.
  • Fact-check information. Scammers, and sometimes well-meaning people, share information that hasn’t been verified. Before you pass on any messages, contact trusted sources.
  • Know who you’re buying from. Online sellers may claim to have in-demand products, like cleaning, household, and health and medical supplies when, in fact, they don’t.

See the full list here:

Price gouging and predatory business practices can be reported to the following agencies:

  • the Affirmative Civil Enforcement Unit of the City Attorney’s Office, at (619) 533-5618 or online at
  • the District Attorney’s Consumer Protection Unit at (619) 531-3507
  • National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF) hotline (1-866-720-5721) or to the NCDF e-mail address

To report a hate crime, contact the San Diego Police Department at 619-531-2000 or 858-484-3154 or the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department at (858) 565-5200. For emergencies, call 9-1-1.  [TWEET THIS]