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Burglary Ring Defendants Sentenced for Targeting San Diego Homes

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan announced that a 41-year-old serial burglar was sentenced on Tuesday to 45 years and eight months in prison for a residential burglary series involving four Los Angeles gang members, who stole more than $500,000 in cash and jewelry.

Gregory Shively, 41, was convicted in July after a one-month jury trial on 57 criminal counts, including residential burglary, residential burglary in association with a criminal street gang, and conspiracy to commit residential burglary in association with a criminal street gang. Shively was the ringleader of a group of three other defendants, who burglarized 38 homes from January 2017 to February 2018. The defendants repeatedly traveled to San Diego County, committed burglaries, and immediately returned to Los Angeles County with the stolen property.

The prosecution was the result of a two-year investigation by Torrance Police Department Detective Sean O’Rourke, an experienced gang investigator. This case involved the diligent review of thousands of pieces of evidence, including surveillance video, social media accounts, cellphone records, text messages, and jail calls.

“This residential burglary syndicate stole the peace and safety that people are entitled to in their own homes,” DA Stephan said. “Deputy District Attorney James Koerber of the DA’s Major Violators Unit along with Torrance Police Detective O’Rourke brough justice for the many victims and neighborhoods targeted by these thieves. The prosecution, convictions and lengthy sentences in this case should make it clear that anyone who thinks they can come to San Diego County to commit residential burglary will be caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.”

The co-defendants were each convicted of residential burglaries in association with a criminal street gang. In October 2021 after a jury trial, Kenneth Ford, 22, was convicted of 13 criminal counts and later sentenced to 11 years in state prison. Aerick Splane, 29, was sentenced in 2022 to 14 years in state prison after pleading guilty to 25 criminal counts. Jalen Johnson, 24, was also sentenced last year to 16 years in state prison after pleading guilty to 33 criminal counts.

Defendant Shively was the organizer and ringleader of the burglary crew. Several dogs were pepper sprayed by the defendants during the burglary series in order to minimize interference with the crimes. The defendants used an open phone line during the crimes so the lookout could warn of the impending return of victims, witnesses, or the police. On 10 occasions, victims were inside the home at the time of the burglary. One victim was threatened at gunpoint when he returned and interrupted the burglary in progress.