
TIP: Pay your Bills, Not Scammers

Paying bills online is very common, but unfortunately, even something as mundane as paying a utility bill can become a rollercoaster ride now that scammers frequently pose as utility companies. The scam involves a bad actor calling the victim and pretending to be the representative of a utility company and claiming to have encountered a […]

Governor Stops Parole for Cop Killer After DA Urges Reversal

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan announced today that Governor Gavin Newsom has reversed the Parole Board’s decision to grant parole to Jesus Cecena, 59, who killed San Diego police officer, Archie Buggs, in 1978. The Governor’s decision, on October 12, reverses the Parole Board’s grant which occurred in June. Cecena’s next parole hearing is in […]

Governor Signs DA-Sponsored Bills

Two bills sponsored by the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office that strengthen state laws in support of sexual assault victims and senior citizens have been signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom. [TWEET THIS] Each sponsored bill was drafted with input from experts in the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office and each piece […]

Hate Crime Defendant Sentenced

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan announced today that a 23-year-old man has been sentenced to one year in jail after pleading guilty to felony vandalism, a misdemeanor hate crime, and an unrelated felony assault charge. San Diego Superior Court Judge Harry Elias handed down the sentence, which was previously stipulated when the defendant, […]

Amid Valley Fire, Spiking Prices or Contracting without a License is a Crime

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan issued a warning today to businesses and scammers not to take advantage of consumers by price gouging during a state of an emergency – doing so can end in prosecution. As a result of the devastating Valley fire in the eastern part of San Diego County, Governor Gavin Newsom and […]

Rape Kit Testing Project Complete

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan announced today that all 2,030 untested sexual assault evidence kits from 12 police agencies across the county have been sent to an independent lab for testing, wrapping up a three-year project. Results have come back from 1,818 of the kits. The DNA results of eligible kits are in […]