Meet Paralegal Supervisor Shay Savage

In honor of Black History Month, which is celebrated throughout the month of February, the DA’s Office is featuring stories of employees and their contributions to our community. Meet Paralegal Supervisor Shay Savage, who has been with the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office for over 16 years. She is currently assigned to the Case Issuing/Extraditions, Collaborative Justice, Appellate/Training and Lifer Hearing Divisions. Read more about what inspired Shay to pursue a career in criminal justice, below.

Why did you choose a career at the DA’s Office?
“I developed my passion for the criminal justice system at a young age. Growing up, I loved watching crime TV shows, Law and Order was my absolute favorite. Unfortunately, in my community, the criminal justice system has a negative connotation. I chose a career at the DA’s office because I feel diversity is important. I want to show my community, especially young black girls/women, that representation matters.”

Why is Black History Month important to you?
Black History Month is important to me because I feel it is an opportunity to celebrate and honor the achievements that African Americans have accomplished. It is a reminder of how far we have come despite the history of oppression and racism we still face today. Black History Month is a celebration of diversity and I’m thankful for the sacrifices my ancestors took to pave the way for future generations.”