
50 Years-to-Life in Domestic Violence Case

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan said today that defendant Arturo Ulloa, 43, has been sentenced to 50 years-to-life in prison for brutally attacking his girlfriend, strangling her and then stabbing her repeatedly. The sentence was handed down in San Diego Superior Court in Vista this afternoon. During a jury trial in January, Ulloa […]

DA Releases 2023 Annual Report

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan released the DA’s 2023 Annual Report, noting a number of recent accomplishments across many different areas of her office’s mission. “As one of the few public service offices that represents all 18 cities and 39 unincorporated communities that make up our beloved San Diego County, we are fiercely […]

Meet Deputy DA Garret Wong

In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, which is observed throughout the month of May, we are featuring stories of DA employees, what inspired them to pursue a career in public service and their contributions at the DA’s Office. Meet Deputy District Attorney Garret Wong, who has been at the DA’s Office for the […]

DA Honors ‘Cops of the Quarter’ at One Safe Place

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan joined our team at One Safe Place: The North County Family Justice Center to honor Sheriff Kelly Martinez and the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department with the “Cops of the Quarter” Award last week. The honored team members pictured have shown valor, compassion and dedication in service to our […]

Meet Deputy District Attorney Allana Platt

In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, which is observed throughout the month of May, we are featuring stories of DA employees, what inspired them to pursue a career in public service and their contributions at the DA’s Office. Meet Deputy District Attorney Allana Platt, who has been at the DA’s Office […]

Serial Rapist Who Terrorized Pacific Beach is up for Early Parole

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan announced today that convicted rapist, Kenneth Bogard, 66, is up for parole after serving only 30 years of a 96-year prison sentence, due to elderly parole, which is available to inmates over the age of 50 who have served at least 20 years of their sentence. Bogard was […]