DA’s One Safe Place honored with SMILE Award

At their regular Tuesday meeting on March 11, the San Marcos City Council presented the San Marcos Inspiration, Leadership and Excellence (SMILE) award to One Safe Place: The North County Family Justice Center – an organization that provides services at no cost to survivors of abuse and trauma within the local community and North County region.

Mayor Rebecca Jones proudly presented the award to San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan, San Diego County Chief Deputy District Attorney Tracy Prior, One Safe Place Executive Director Claudia Grasso, One Safe Place Assistant Executive Director Taraneh Sarebanha and other staff for providing hope, healing and justice to individuals seeking support at One Safe Place.

“As a staunch advocate for community safety, it is a pleasure to shed light on the phenomenal services One Safe Place provides for those in San Marcos and neighboring areas” shared Mayor Rebecca Jones. “From therapy to preparing a safety plan to workforce support, their collective services support our brave community to break through cycles of abuse and inspire self-resilience.” 

The work at One Safe Place transforms the lives of victims each day. One Safe Place: The North County Family Justice Center SMILE Award recipient for March 2025

“Our passionate staff at One Safe Place saves lives every day and gives hope to those who have lost it,” said District Attorney Summer Stephan. “We greatly value the City of San Marcos’ partnership and are honored by this award. We are continuously improving the services we offer to the community by consistently evaluating what works and what does not for those who come to One Safe Place to seek critical support.” 

Since opening its doors on July 5, 2022, One Safe Place has served more than 7,000 people – 50% of whom have returned for additional support. One Safe Place provides a variety of services under one roof to anyone who has experienced child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, hate crime, elder abuse, human trafficking, violent loss, family violence, or other abuse or victimization.

Through its 108 community partnerships, the organization offers supportive services, including:

  • Trauma treatment
  • Safe housing assistance
  • Crisis response
  • Child advocacy
  • Education
  • Legal assistance
  • Empowerment skills
  • Thriver skills/workforce readiness

“One Safe Place embodies the City’s spirit of service every time they lend a healing hand to our vulnerable community members,” said Mayor Jones. “It’s inspiring to see how One Safe Place compassionately empowers community members to rebuild their future, one day at a time.” 

The organization is currently expanding  to provide additional services that will be available soon. One Safe Place will open a second location in South County later this year to grow its services and support.

“For those experiencing any form of abuse, we want them to know that they are not alone, that they matter, and that they can get the wrap-around services they need to grow from victim to survivor to thriver,” Stephan said.  

For more information, visit onesafeplacenorth.org. If you or someone you know is in need of services, please call 760-290-3690 or email gethope@onesafeplacenorth.org.


About the San Marcos City Council’s Civic SMILE Award

There are often community members who rise to the top – clearly reflecting the San Marcos ‘Spirit of Service.’ That’s why San Marcos City Council members initiated the Civic SMILE Award recognition program in March 2021.

Five times each year, a community member is chosen by a specific City Council member to receive recognition and be presented with a San Marcos Inspiration, Leadership and Excellence (SMILE) Award during a City Council meeting.

For more information about the recognition program, visit San Marcos Civic SMILE Award.